The Crucial Role of Workplace Lighting: An HR Perspective

Workplace lighting plays an indispensable role in the health, safety, and productivity of employees. Efficient lighting can prevent potential hazards and accidents, making it an essential element in maintaining a safe working environment. The level and type of lighting required largely depend on the nature of work and the specific hazards present. Inadequate lighting, however,.. read more →

A Comprehensive Guide to DSE Workstation Assessments and Checklist

With the increasing prevalence of digital workspaces, the use of Display Screen Equipment (DSE) has become an integral part of almost every workplace. Though not inherently dangerous, DSE can contribute to discomfort, aches, and even long-term disorders if not utilised correctly. This article provides a comprehensive guide to DSE Workstation Assessments and presents a detailed.. read more →

Ergonomics; Reducing Accidents and Improving Performance and Productivity

The importance of ergonomics and human factors in the workplace cannot be overstated. By taking into account these principles, you can reduce the potential for accidents, injuries, and ill health while improving performance and productivity. In terms of accident prevention, ergonomics can play a vital role in the design of control panels. Careful consideration should.. read more →

The Benefits of Consulting with Employees about DSE Equipment

In today’s modern workplace, a significant portion of the workforce spends a considerable amount of time working with Display Screen Equipment (DSE) such as computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. As a result, the health and safety of employees who work with DSE are of paramount importance. One of the best ways to ensure employee safety.. read more →

Why Written Records are Important for DSE Assessments in the Workplace

The use of computers and other digital devices has become an integral part of many modern workplaces. However, prolonged and excessive use of these devices can lead to various health problems, collectively referred to as Display Screen Equipment (DSE) risks. Therefore, DSE assessments are crucial to identify and address such risks. Legal Compliance Employers have.. read more →

How to Make Your Workspace Comfortable and Safe

Whether you work from home or in an office, it’s important to prioritise your health and wellbeing. Here are some helpful tips and tricks to make your workspace both comfortable and safe. Choose the right chair Select a chair that is adjustable and has good support for your back. Adjust the height so that your.. read more →